Corporate Responsibility

In keeping with its principal responsibilities, the Board of Directors has continued to ensure that the highest standards in corporate governance are maintained, with objectives of reinforcing the confidence and trust of the investing public, increasing customers’ satisfaction and building a strong and ethical regional institution

On an annual basis, the ECHMB adopts the latest developments in corporate governance implemented by leading region and internationally companies in an effort to ensure that its procedures are in line with the international best practice. ECHMB corporate governance statement objective is to provide a comprehensive analysis into the corporate governance practice of the Bank. The Board is committed to achieving the highest standards of business integrity, ethics and professionalism across all of the Group’s activities. The fundamental approach adopted is to ensure that the right executive leadership, strategy and internal controls for risk management are well in place. Nonetheless, the Board also continuously reviews its governance model to ensure that its relevance, effectiveness and ability to meet the challenges of the future remain sustainable.

Board Charter

The Board is guided by the Board charter and the ECHMB Act of 1995 which provide reference for directors in relation to the Board’s role, powers, duties and functions. Apart from reflecting the current best practices and the applicable rules and regulations, the Charter outlines processes and procedures to ensure the Bank’s boards and their committees’ effectiveness and efficiency. The Charter is updated to reflect changes to the Bank’s policies, procedures and processes as well as amended relevant rules and regulations.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Board

It is the responsibility of the Board to periodically review and approve the overall strategies, business, organisation and significant policies of the Bank. The Board also sets the Bank’s core values and adopts proper standards to ensure that the Bank operates with integrity.

The responsibilities of the Board are as follows:-.

Director Independence and Independent Non-Executive Directors

The Board consists entirely of non-executive directors which helps the Board to provide strong and effective oversight over management. The Non-Executive Directors do not participate in the day-to-day management of the Bank and do not engage in any business dealing or other relationships with the Bank (other than in situations permitted by the applicable regulations) in order to ensure that they remain truly capable of exercising independent judgement and act in the best interests of the Bank and its shareholders.

Further, the Board is satisfied and assured that no individual or group of Directors has unfettered powers of decision that could create a potential conflict of interest. Additionally, the Board ensures that all Independent Non- Executive Directors possess the following qualities:-

Quality and Supply of information to the Board

In order to effectively discharge its duties, the Board has full and unrestricted access to all information pertaining to the Bank’s businesses and affairs as well as to the advice and services of the senior management. In addition to formal Board meetings, the Chairman maintains regular contact with the Chief Executive Officer to discuss specific matters, and the latter assisted by the Company Secretary ensures that frequent and timely communication between the senior management and the Board is maintained at all times as appropriate. The Board is regularly kept up to date on and apprised of any regulations and guidelines.

Company Secretary

The Company Secretary, is responsible for advising the Board on issues relating to corporate compliance with the relevant laws, rules, procedures and regulations affecting the Board and the Bank, as well as best practices of governance. She is also responsible for advising the Directors of their obligations and duties to disclose their interest in securities, disclosure of any conflict of interest in a transaction involving the Bank, prohibition on dealing in securities and restrictions on disclosure of price-sensitive information. All Directors have access to the advice and services of the Company Secretary.

Conflict of Interest

It has been the practice of ECHMB, in line with various statutory requirements on the disclosure of director’s interest, that members of the Board make a declaration to that effect at the Board meeting in the event they have interests in proposals being considered by the Board, including where such interest arises through their association with Primary Lenders. Any interested Directors would then abstain from deliberations and decisions of the Board on the subject proposal and, where appropriate, excuse themselves from being present in the deliberations.

Structured Training Programme for Directors

Directors are expected to participate in the Directors Accreditation Programme (DEAP). This is an advanced director training course, aimed at preparing directors for the important role that they play in the governance of the Bank. The DEAP was developed by the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators/Chartered Secretaries Canada (ICSA/CSC), in partnership with the law firm of Borden Ladner Gervais, and with contributions from AON Canada.